Rochdale branch was formed in 2017 to support the College Bank Support group and GMTU have introduced other organisations to the campaign.

The College Bank Support group is a campaign to save 7 tower blocks of mostly Social Housing in Rochdale, approximately 726 homes. With a vibrant mix of people among the Community there was widespread outrage at the plans by the managing Housing Association (Rochdale Boroughwide Housing) to demolish 4 of the taller blocks.

The campaign was established by a former councillor and Mayor of the Borough, Robin Parker, who was one of a number of leaseholders on the Estate and quickly got together an active group of supporters. One of the initial things they did was to canvass the whole Estate and generate a petition of some 600 signatures from members of the College Bank Community.

This petition was presented to full Council and got immediate and verbal support from many if not most Councillors attending.

In summary the campaign is seeking to protect the elderly and vulnerable community currently living on the Estate, not only that, given that there are over 7,000 people on the waiting list for a home in Rochdale, the campaign is striving to protect Social Housing in Rochdale for the community of the future.

GMTU has been supporting the campaign, getting involved in meetings and doorknocking sessions on the estate. We have introduced other organisations to the activists in Rochdale, including New Economics Foundation and Greater Manchester Community Led Homes Hub.

The fight continues.

Local councillors Amber Nisa and Danny Meredith joined the branch outside RBH offices to show their support for Save the Seven Sisters campaign:

Branch Committee

  • Chair Mark Slater
  • Secretary
  • GMTU Committee Rep Mark Slater
  • Treasurer