We don't currently have any job vacancies, but we are looking for people to join our committee to help run our union.
If you are able to spare a few hours a week and have some of the skills to fulfill these roles, we'd like to hear from you!
Please contact info@tenantsunion.org.uk stating which role you are interested in.
There will be two Co-chairs. Co-chairs will chair Committee meetings, Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and All Member Meetings. They will be confident in a leadership role, have a commitment to the goals of the Union, and work to develop other leaders in the organisation. Only one of these positions may be held by a man.
- Must be a company director of TUUK Limited
- Liaise with the Secretary and admin staff lead to ensure meetings are planned effectively, conducted according to the constitution and that matters are dealt with in an orderly manner
- Work with the Secretary, Treasurer, other members of the committee and the staff team to ensure that appropriate policies and procedures are in place for the effective management of the organisation
- Lead on the development of the committee and make sure that its decisions are carried out
- Co-chairs may be called upon to represent GMTU at public events
- Handle complaints and disciplinary proceedings
Minimum Commitment
- Must be a member of the Union
- Attend and chair Committee meetings (minimum number of meetings is 6 per year or more at the committee's discretion, 1.5 hours per meeting with additional time for preparation)
- Attend and chair AGMs and AMMs (2 hours per quarter, with additional time for preparation)
- Willing to attend training as appropriate (for example, safeguarding, chairing etc)
- Quarterly 1-to-1 meeting with staff member (0.5 hours per quarter)
- Monitor chair email account (1 hour per month)
- A tenant or lodger and an interest in the activities of the Union
- Experience of, or a desire to develop, public speaking skills
- Experience of planning and chairing meetings would be useful
- Good communication and interpersonal skills, tact and diplomacy
- Willingness to be contacted on an ad-hoc basis
- Capacity to plan, attend and chair regular meetings
- Ability to ensure decisions are taken and followed up, and that deadlines are met
- Good time management, record-keeping and organisational skills
The Treasurer will have ultimate oversight over the finances of the organisation, with responsibility over budgets, fundraising and financial management. In this capacity they will convene and chair the Finance and Fundraising Subcommittee. They will also have lead over the staffing of the Union. They will be supported in this role by the Deputy Treasurer and by the Finance & HR Officer.
- Must be a company director of TUUK Limited
- Supported by designated personnel, lead on the day-to-day financial management of the union, including but not limited to, banking and record-keeping, financial planning, budget monitoring, fundraising, financial policies and procedures, reporting to funders and partner organisations, and payment of wages, expenses and supplier invoices.
- Oversee the preparation and scrutiny of the organisation's annual accounts, ensuring that they meet the conditions of contractual agreements with external agencies such as funders and statutory bodies.
- Lead on the staffing of the union including, but not limited to, recruitment and induction, employment contracts, termination of employment and disciplinary matters.
- Present monthly financial reports to the committee to help it understand the organisation's financial position
- Advise the committee on how to carry out its financial responsibilities and on the financial implications of the organisation's strategic and operational plans
- Ensure the organisation is compliant with relevant legislation.
- Ensure any recommendations of auditors are implemented
- Lead the supervision team made up of committee members - directly supervising the Finance & HR Officer role.
- Handle complaints and disciplinary proceedings
- Present an annual report to the GMTU Annual General meeting (AGM)
Minimum commitment
- Must be a member of the Union
- Attend Committee meetings and provide a financial update to each meeting (minimum number of meetings is 6 per year or more at the committee's discretion, 1.5 hours per meeting)
- Convene and attend monthly Finance & Fundraising meetings (1.5 hours per month, with additional time for preparation)
- Attend AGMs and AMMs (2 hours per quarter)
- Capacity to process payment runs prepared by the Finance & HR officer (generally monthly, 1 hour)
- Willing to attend training as appropriate (for example, safeguarding, chairing etc)
- Quarterly 1-to-1 meeting with staff member (0.5 hours per quarter)
- Attend meetings with external agencies such as funders, statutory bodies and partner organisations (1.5 hours per month approx)
- Monitor treasurer email account (1 hour per month)
- A tenant or lodger and an interest in the activities of the Union
- Experience of financial control and budgeting
- Experience in fundraising, including funding applications
- Experience of HR and employment legislation, including pension schemes would be useful
- Good communication and interpersonal skills
- Willingness to be contacted on ad-hoc basis
- Capacity to attend regular meetings and to plan and chair them where necessary
- Ability to ensure decisions are taken and followed up, and that deadlines are met
- Good time management, record-keeping and organisational skills